3rd Course Running REM analysis on camera trap data packages from Agouti 

This course complements the previous training on camera trapping methods and protocols, specifically the random encounter method (REM). go 1st Camera trap course go 2nd Camera trap course Introduction to the 3rd online training course by Joaquín Vicente https://youtu.be/PBfgoZ03Rew Download slides Tips for improving distance data digitalization on AGOUTI by Marcus Rowcliffe Digitise deployment pole […]

2nd Course on the use of camera trapping for monitoring wildlife 

Learning objectives and expected outcomes  To learn on the use on the analitycal tools incorporated to Agouti app, focusing on the use of information technology tools and artificial intelligence to process and analize photo-trappings to finally obtain reliable density values. After the course, participants should be able to analyze their own camera trap data by […]

CamTrap Ecology Meets AI 2022

BRINGING PEOPLE, NATURE & AI TOGETHER 14 Sept – Computational Ecology Today (2h)21 Sept – Ecological Data meets AI (2h)28 Sept – Systems, Standards, Community (2h)  Join live on Teams at 10:00 EDT (New York)= 3pm BST (London) = 16:00 CEST (Berlin)    A international workshop on camera traps and AI analysis for wildlife monitoring including associated ecological and data collection methods. It runs […]

Join the European Observatory of Wildlife (EOW)

Join a network of “observation points” with common wildlife population estimation protocols and data collection standards to facilitate harmonization and interoperability over Europe The importance of wildlife monitoring for management at European scale Europe represents an enormous socio-political and natural diversity where wildlife management is not only confined to reserves and does not only deal […]


Días: 10 y 11 de marzo de 2022Modalidad: virtual (plataforma Zoom)Sede virtual: Centro Universitario Regional del Este (UdelaR), Rocha, UruguayOrganiza: Grupo proJAB (UdelaR) PROGRAMA JUEVES 10 DE MARZOMañanaModerador: Dr. Luis Lecuona (USDA, Estados Unidos).9:00-9:15. Bienvenida y apertura a cargo del Grupo proJAB de UDELAR.9:15-10:15. Conferencia de apertura.“Monitorización sanitaria y poblacional de la fauna silvestre”Dr. Joaquín […]

International Symposium on
Wild Boar and Other Suids

6-9 September 2022 – Seva, Barcelona The International Symposium on Wild Boar and Other Suids will take place in Montanyà Hotel & Lodge, Montseny Biosphere Reserve (Catalonia, Spain). The Symposium will include thematic sessions covering wild boar biology and eco-ethology as well as management practice, population control strategies and damage mitigation methods. Other Suids from […]

Invasive species in Europe

An introduced, known also as alien or non-native species, is a species which lives outside its native distributional range, where it arrived thanks to human activity – directly or indirectly, deliberately or accidentally. These which spread aggressively and have a substantial negative effect on a local ecosystem are classified as invasive species. If introduced species […]

The Nordic Congress of Wildlife Research will take place on March in Uppsala (Sweden).

The aim of the Nordic Congress of Wildlife Research is to bring together all those active in wildlife research and management to meet and discuss challenging issues in wildlife ecology and management in a broad sense. This includes natural and social scientists, wildlife and land managers, political decision-makers and anyone else working with related questions, […]