2nd Course on the use of camera trapping for monitoring wildlife 

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2nd Course on the use of camera trapping for monitoring wildlife 

Learning objectives and expected outcomes 

To learn on the use on the analitycal tools incorporated to Agouti app, focusing on the use of information technology tools and artificial intelligence to process and analize photo-trappings to finally obtain reliable density values. After the course, participants should be able to analyze their own camera trap data by using these new tools to estimate density of medium to big size mammals. This course complements the previous training on camera trapping methods and protocols, specifically the random encounter method (REM) and other methods that do not require identification of individuals.

Welcome and introduction to course. Perspectives of the EOW. 

Joaquin Vicente 

Reminder on general aspects of Agouti: Creating and organizing a project.

Tancredi Guerrasio

Agouti: sequence annotation and use tools. 

Jim Casaer

Tracking animals in Agouti

Patrick Jansen


Refreshing methods: camera trap methods for density estimation, EOW field protocol and database processing for analysis.

Pablo Palencia 

More to explore